Happy Easter!

Glad Påsk | Happy Easter | Hyvää pääsiäistä | Joyeuses Pâques | God Påske | Vrolijk Pasen | ¡Felices Pascuas! | Paskalya yortunuz kutlu olsun | Frohe Ostern

We wish all our friends a great Eastern holiday whereever you are. Eat lots of eggs, be careful with the candy, and find time to read a good book!

Eastern greetings from the educators at Decisionware

Systems Engineering Management helps you to leverage project leadership and product development

Creating successful products has never been more challenging. It seems like complexity time after time find ways to grow in new dimensions. Technological, market, legal, organizational, and human complexity must all be mastered to keep up with competition. If you want to run faster, or keep your lead, there are simply no free lunches.

However, there are low-hanging fruits to harvest, or to use as stepping stones. When creating tech-intensive products, close integration of project management with your development approach is a vital success factor. That is also an area with large room for improvements in most organisations.

Systems engineering managementprovides a powerful and comprehensive toolbox with the potential to leverage traditional project management and among many other things:

  • Better scope your project and products, helping you to address the real issues and select the most appropriate development methodology addressing your most critical challenges.
  • Define project and product success more strategically. It’s good to deliver on time and to meet the budget, but that's far from enough to make your organization thrive.
  • Establish a common language among your stakeholdersincluding customers, project sponsors, and top-management. Too often we fail just because stakeholders are not able to understand each other!   
  • Better understand your risksand how to continuously manage them, throughout the project life cycle. In fact, good risk management is often a hidden opportunity.
  • Introduce a balance of rigor, flexibility and resiliencein your product development process to lead your projects towards their goals.

Systems engineering managementblends nicely with other knowledge areas such as lean and integrated product development, product management, software engineering , and enterprise architecture. It even has the potential to help you connect the dots between them.

Would you like to learn more?Contact us for a discussion how this applies to you, or check out our courses in Systems engineering management presented in Sweden (April 26-28) and Finland (May 10-12).

Remember to register to our April courses in Systems Engineering!

Do you know that you can make a sizeable competence leap in April to a really good price if you register now?
If you register at the latest March 4, you can:

  • Attend both Systems Engineering Basics and Systems Engineering Management, and receive altogether six intensive training days to the package price SEK 25000.
    (Write APRILCOMBO in the message field for each course at registration)
  • You can also start your competence journey in systems engineering by attending Systems Engineering Basics for SEK 12900.
    (Write EARLYBIRD in the message field at registration).

Systems Engineering Basics received recently 4,9 out of 5 in overall feedback from the students and Systems Engineering Management has been provided as an applied masters course at a leading Nordic University College.

Registration and more information:

The prices excludes 25% Swedish VAT.

Questions? Contact the lecturer Jonas Andersson, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +46 (0) 7077070 14.

Gör en aprilcombo i SE Basics och Management!

I april kommer vi att genomföra våra uppskattade kurser i Systems Engineering Basics och Systems Engineering Management i Stockholm. Systems Engineering Basics är perfekt för dig som vill få grunderna och ett gemensamt språk för Systems engineering, och ger dig dessutom en enkel verktygslåda för krav, arkitektur och design som du kan börja använda direkt! Systems Engineering Management ger dig en djupare förståelse för hur du kan planera och genomföra ett komplexa högteknologiska projekt. Kursen kompletterar dina kunskaper i projektledning och ledarskap med ett ramverk för att bättre anpassa dina tekniska projekt till dina och dina kunders behov.

Vi tycker att det viktigt att så många som möjligt lär sig mer om grunderna i systems engineering och tekniskt ledarskap. För att hjälpa dig på traven erbjuder vi dig att gå båda kurserna, dvs sammanlagt sex hela fullspäckade utbildningsdagar, för SEK 25000 vid samtidig anmälan senast den 4 mars. Ange APRILCOMBO i meddelandefältet! Priset är exklusive 25% svensk moms och erbjudandet kan inte kombineras med någon annan rabatt eller avtal.

Anmälan och mer information:

Vill du veta mer? Kontakta Jonas Andersson, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +46 (0) 7077070 14